Lions and Tigers and Bears.... Oh My!
Well, Not exactly. The Last Resort Rescue Team often rescue Exotic pets and even captive game animals ( purchased through pet trade). These animals are often abandoned or disposed of once the " Novelty" wears off. We rescue them, rehabilitate them, provide medical care, nutrition and enrichment to make them whole again.
If we can find a truly qualified forever home for them where they will have equal or better quality of life, we will adopt them out.
Some cannot be adopted out and require permenant Sanctuary here with us! If you are interested in an exotic or Captive game species of pet, please DO YOUR RESEARCH first! These are sentinant beings, they require alot of specific care, environment and enrichment DAILY. Its not something to take lightly.
Once you've done your research, fill out the exotic pet application on our website.
The Last Resort Rescue was founded in the 90's and since then we have rescued rehabiliated and rehomed dozens of Horses, Pigs, Cows, Goats, Ducks and even a couple cows ! There is no animal unworthy of our time and energy!
If you have a farm property and are looking to adopt a new four legged Farm Family member please fcheck our available pets for listings and fill out the adoption application. Even if we have nothing available now, once applied and approved, you will get priority on any coming into rescue.
If you are looking to surrender a farm animal or know of one in urgent need of rescue please email us at Thelastresortrescue.com